2017 年小克洛斯、克洛斯阿帕爾塔
Case offer
"Charles Joguet himself was the iconic producer in Chinon from the 1960s onwards until he retired about 25 years ago. He is in his 90s today, and I...
查看完整詳細信息"Charles Joguet himself was the iconic producer in Chinon from the 1960s onwards until he retired about 25 years ago. He is in his 90s today, and I...
查看完整詳細信息經典的紅酒,帶有豐滿多汁的紅色和黑色水果味、緊實的單寧以及淡淡的皮革和香料的味道。 Reserve de Leoville Barton 的果實來自莊園較年輕的葡萄藤和剛錯過精選優質葡萄酒的地塊。因此,頂級年份的品質可能遠遠超過低廉的價格。這款極為迷人的副酒擁有引人注目的裝飾藝術標籤,曾經裝飾...
查看完整詳細信息"Deep garnet-purple colored, the 2016 Rauzan-Ségla drifts effortlessly from the glass with fragrant rose hip tea, candied violets and chocolate box...
查看完整詳細信息「在波爾多品嚐過四次,三次評價為完美,第四次評價為99,這款由51% 梅洛、47.5% 赤霞珠和1.5% 小維多混合而成的最終混合酒在瓶中堪稱完美。 、藍莓和黑醋栗的味道。 100/100 羅伯特帕克,葡萄酒倡導者
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