原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2013 Gevrey Chambertin Les Corvees, Domaine Tortochot
僅剩3 !"The 2013 Gevrey Chambertin les Corvées has an animally bouquet that Chantal Tortochot-Michel thought might be brett, though she had the wine analy...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2013 Pommard Vieilles Vignes, Domaine Genot-Boulanger
僅剩3 !Created in 1974 by Charles-Henri and Marie Génot-Boulanger, the eponymous estate is located in the emblematic village of Meursault, opposite the Ch...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2017 Contrada Rampante Etna Rosso, Tascante
僅剩1 !A brilliant single vineyard Nerello Mascalese from the northern slopes of Etna, one of the most coveted up and coming wine regions. "There is ...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2020 Morey St Denis, Domaine Michel Magnien
有庫存"Typical, spicy, slightly meaty notes. Very good freshness on the palate. Dark fruit, no hint of overripeness, just lots of drive and finesse. Yout...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2012 Chinon Silenes, Charles Joguet
僅剩2 !"Charles Joguet himself was the iconic producer in Chinon from the 1960s onwards until he retired about 25 years ago. He is in his 90s today, and I...
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原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2018 長相思懷勞珍藏,聖克萊爾
有庫存「新鮮、成熟、明亮的長相思,帶有豐富的熱帶水果味。酸橙和青芒果的味道真正刺激味蕾。新鮮、優雅、專注。立即飲用。旋緊瓶蓋。 ”詹姆斯·薩克林
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2011 Chinon Silenes, Charles Joguet
僅剩1 !"Charles Joguet himself was the iconic producer in Chinon from the 1960s onwards until he retired about 25 years ago. He is in his 90s today, and I...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2021 赫希 (Hirsch),綠維特利納 (Hirschvergnugen)
僅剩1 !一款清爽的葡萄酒,帶有可愛的柑橘風味、青蘋果和鹹味的味道。綠色維特利納 (Grüner Veltliner) 的優雅易飲風格。
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| /
2020 埃爾金霞多麗,洛錫安葡萄園
原價 £48.00 - 原價 £48.00原價£48.00£48.00 - £48.00時價 £48.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
Charles Heidsieck 乾型珍藏
僅剩1 !「Lorem ipsum dolor sat amet,consectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laboure et dolore magna aliqua。Ut enim ad minim veniam,...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
1995 法爾格城堡,蘇玳(半瓶)
僅剩3 !美麗的深金色。濃鬱的杏子、果醬和蜜餞的香氣。口感平衡。蜂蜜利口酒和蜜餞的品質,餘韻帶有香料。
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £55.00原價 £55.00 - 原價 £55.00原價 £55.00時價 £49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2016 年教宗新堡特釀帝國葡萄酒,Raymond Usseglio
有庫存「2016 年份的教皇新堡特釀帝國葡萄酒幾乎全是歌海娜,產自1901 年和1902 年種植的土地,令人驚嘆不已。玫瑰、紅茶和覆盆子的香氣奠定了基調,口感醇厚但絲滑且幾乎輕盈,紅色水果、乾香料和橙皮的錯綜複雜的相互作用。
原價 £55.00原價 £55.00 - 原價 £55.00原價 £55.00時價 £49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /省11 % 省 % -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2020 年夏布利維永一級園,威廉費佛酒莊
有庫存「2020 年夏布利 1er Cru Vaillons 源自 Les Minots 的老藤(Fèvre Massale 精選酒的來源)以及 Roncières 和 Chatains 的老藤,在酒杯中散發著白花、脆核果和清澈的香氣。酒體中等至濃鬱,柔滑而包裹性強,是一款充滿活力、充滿活力的葡萄酒...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2019 Macan Classico、Benjamin de Rothschild 和 Vega Sicilia
有庫存「波爾多意義上的第二款葡萄酒是2019 年Macán Clásico,這是一款更濃縮、更強勁的葡萄酒,產自溫暖乾燥的一年,九月上半月80 公升的降雨挽救了這一年份。它在不銹鋼中發酵,發酵時間為10 小時。美國的,持續了12個月。單寧。路易斯‧古鐵雷斯 (Luis Gutierrez),葡萄酒倡導者
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2014 年 Cornas Equis,馬克西姆·格拉洛特
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2017 年教宗新堡特釀帝國葡萄酒,Raymond Usseglio
僅剩1 !「 2017 年份教皇新堡特釀帝國葡萄酒將酒體的強度提升了一個檔次,散發著黑櫻桃、灌木叢、胡椒粉和熏香的震撼香氣。更加廣闊、酒體飽滿、濃縮和純淨,這是一款出色、出色的葡萄酒,經久不衰。
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2010 布魯內羅·迪·蒙塔爾奇諾,伊爾·波焦內
有庫存來自標誌性的 2010 年份,這款桑嬌維塞是最好的。口感複雜而濃鬱,帶有明亮的櫻桃、五香肉、甘草和煙草的味道。充滿活力,具有令人難以置信的深度和極其細膩的單寧。 「Il Poggione 的 2010 年份 Brunello di Montalcino 是頂級 Brunello di Mo...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2014 年 Cornas Equis,馬克西姆·格拉洛特
僅剩1 !「艷麗的紅寶石色。辛辣、帶有煙燻味的深色果醬、橄欖和花香,以及隨著酒液的打開而產生的胡椒味。口感上覆蓋著甜美的黑莓、櫻桃和蜜餞甘草的味道,慢慢地在口感上收緊。喬許·雷諾茲,Vinous.com
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2008 Nuit St Georges, Domaine Confuron-Cotetidot
僅剩1 !"A complex, expressive and layered nose of earthy red berry and black cherry hints introduces the rich, concentrated, chewy and very serious flavor...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2011 Bourgogne Rouge, Claude Dugat
有庫存"The 2011 Bourgogne jumps from the glass with striking aromatics and bright red fruit, all supported by vibrant acidity. This is an absolutely deli...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2013 Chorey les Beaune, Domaine Tollot-Beaut
僅剩2 !"This is quite expressive for a just bottled red with its equally pretty nose of violets, plum and black raspberry. There is good punch and detail ...
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原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2010 Nuit St Georges 1er Cru, Chateau de Puligny Montrachet
僅剩2 !"Chateau de Puligny-Montrachet is actually based on the outskirts of Meursault and the wines made by the de Montille family. The biodynamic tenets ...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
Descentes aux Amphores Rouge, Nicolas Reau
僅剩2 !Fine and elegant Cabernet Franc from Anjou, aged in Amphorae. No sulphites.
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| / -
原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /
2007 年 Vacqueyras Cuvee Lopy,Le Sang des Cailloux
僅剩2 !「我敢打賭 2007 年 Vacqueyras Cuvee Lopy 是 Vacqueyras 年份的葡萄酒,我希望在發佈時能買一箱或更多。它充滿活力的紫色/紅寶石色伴隨著黑醋栗的美妙香氣,黑覆盆子、甘草和碎花的味道濃鬱、濃鬱、性感,但仍具有純淨、細膩和優雅的口感,餘味甜美,適合在未來十年內隨...
查看完整詳細信息原價 £49.00 - 原價 £49.00原價£49.00£49.00 - £49.00時價 £49.00| /